is a young fashion manufacturer from the neighborhood with little resources, but with vision and inspiring leadership, has the idea of raising a monument that symbolizes their struggles and commemorates the fallen comrades.

is a homeless man, proud of his neighborhood. He is smart, thinks and talks like a philosopher, but struggles with anger issues and drug abuse.

is a displaced mother of three with no formal education who joined the First Line movement out of sheer desperation for a better life.

is an unemployed welder who spontaneously decided to join in after passing through Puerto Resistencia and seeing the construction site of the Monument. Years ago, Jhon lost his son to police violence. In the building of the monument, he finds new meaning.

a construction worker from Cali, who heard his call to action during the social crisis and after his little brother got shot by police. He is one of the leaders of the “First Line” of Puerto Resistencia.

is a street guy from the block. Being part of the construction of the Monument lets him for the first time experience achievement, validation and a sense of belonging, and awakes in him the desire to build a better society.
Luis Santiago Narvaez Gutierrez
Juan Felipe Narváez Gutiérrez
Lina María Arcila Eraso
José Ferney Arcila Eraso
César Augusto Narváez Gutiérrez
José Ferney Arcila Eraso
Carlos Eduardo Rodríguez Ortíz
Julián Conrado
“Cortico” Alfredo Alzate
Jhon Jairo Martínez
Hoover Duvan Giraldo
Gersan Tello Bayona
“El Negro Safari”
“La Tia” Rosa Maria Ruiz
Gloria Ruth Cumbe
Anibal Antonio Castro Moreno
“Soldado” Alejandro Blandón Ordoñez
“Rojo” Harold Manuel Reina
“Papas” Rolando Quintero Ramírez
Pitter Davis Sepulveda Lora
“La Flaca”
Karina del Pilar Valencia
“Marihuanito” Bairon Soto
Santiago Trujillo Pinilla
Salvador Rivera Orejuela
Ceci Betancourth
“Desconfiado” Yofren Alberto Ordoñez Angulo
“Pantera” Cristian Hernando Barona Carabalí
“Peluca” Yeison Giner Hernández Realpe
Kevin Hernandez
Reconocemos que hay muchas personas más que aparecen en esta película pero que desconocemos sus nombres. Agradecemos su participación.
“Mamá Olla PR” Martha Cecilia Garrote
Milagros Guerrero
Héctor Enrique Martínez Pineda
Rebecca Linda Marlene Sprösser
“Búho” Diego Fernando Angel Agudelo
“Zancudo” Wilson Steven Murillo Ordoñez
“Grande” Anderson Sifuentes Montaño
“Wuau” Heidelberk Granobles Cruz
“Culón Negro” Iván Ricardo Bermeo Carabalí
“Radical” John Michael Cardona Jaramillo
“Blacho” Steven Catacoli
“Jota” Jhon Jairo Vazquez
“Culón Blanco”
“Peleón” Michaell Andrés
“El Nene Lucumí”
“El Flaco”
“El Caleño”
“El Paisa”
“El Mono”